Q- Can I use Discount code on a Sale Item?
- Yes, you can use discount code entire catalogue.
Q- Where Do I enter My Discount Code?
- On Checkout page. Our checkout page uses SSL, which ensures that all of your browsing and shopping data remains private.
Q- What Should I Do If My Payment Doesn’t Work?
- We’re sorry for the trouble! First, make sure that your shipping and billing details are correct. If that doesn’t work, try contacting your bank about the payment. If you’re still having an issue, drop us a message and we’ll do our best to help!
Please note: If you want to pay via credit card and are using AMEX, you have to proceed to PayPal first, and then select the option "Pay with Credit or Debit Card" inside PayPal. If you need help with that, please contact our customer service.
Q- Is your Site Safe and Secure?
- Great question. Our checkout page uses SSL, which ensures that all of your browsing and shopping data remains private.
Q- Do you Ship on Weekends or Bank Holidays?
- No, we ship order only working days (Mon-Sat). Sunday and National holidays we don’t ship order.
Q- Can I track my order?
- Absolutely! We know you are excited to follow the journey of your Item every step of the way. You received tracking number automatically via email and Text when shipped your order. With this number you can track your order at www.com . You can also send us a quick message and we'll be happy to track it for you.
Q- When will I Receive My Refund?
- As soon as we receive your returned item, we will initiate a refund of the purchase price of your items.
Q- How Do I Return or Replace Item?
- Our 7 Days Return Policy. Just read Return Policy